Sheep Dog Impact Assistance 10 Years of #GETOFFTHECOUCH

I have been apart of Sheep Dog Impact Assistance for over 6 years now. Every year they contract me to put together an end of the year film for their fundraising gala event. This year due to Covid-19 we had to do a shorter version. This was shot by me over the course of 6 years all over the country. Prominent locations include Alaska, New York City, Washington DC, Dallas Texas, Bentonville Arkansas, and many more cities.

Filmed on: Black Magic Ursa Mini 4.6k, Red One MX, and Sony a7RIII.

Lenses Used : Sony Cine Alta Primes, and Rokinon Cine DS Primes


Army National Guard AMEDD


SDIA Empowers Sheep Dogs to #GetOffTheCouch 2018